
If you are buying a vibrator, it is important to learn about how to care for it. Considering that you use it for self-indulgence, it needs to be properly cleaned and maintained in order to last the longest life that it possibly can. Here are all the things we recommend doing before, during, and after you use your vibrator.

Choose A Water-Based Lubricant

Use water-based lubricants only as using any other lubricant for your vibrator might be detrimental to the technology inside your vibrator. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that not all lubricants do a good job explaining what they contain on their labels. We suggest choosing a lube that is highly praised for being safe so you know it’s okay to use with your vibrator.

Make Sure Your Vibrator Is Clean Before You Use It

Even if you clean your vibrator after you use it, it doesn’t hurt to clean it briefly before you use it. You’ll never know what might be on the vibrator between the two occasions. We recommend buying a Hitachi vibrator that is completely nonporous so that it is perfectly safe for your body, and there is no chance for bacteria to get inside of it.

Use A Mild Soap When Cleaning Your Vibrator

Mild or light soap will do the job to clean a vibrator after you use it. Using too much soap can actually cause it to feel sticky, and if soap residue gets inside, it is impossible to flush out, and this soap can harm the vibrator’s motor if that is the case. You would like to use soap, but not a lot, so be careful when you clean it.

Alternatively, Use Wipes

You can also use wipes if you want a more convenient way to clean your vibrator. Baby wipes can work, so if you already have some, you can use them following the use of your vibrator. There are also wipes designed just for sex toys, as well. Do not use antibacterial wipes; we will explain why further down below.

Store It in A Clean, Accessible Place

It’s important that you keep your vibrator somewhere that you can easily get to, such as in a drawer or on your nightstand. In hidden places behind your room, such as under your bed or behind your curio, it can actually get dusty and humid. While you would like to clean your vibrator often anyway, dust, dirt, and warm air can actually decrease its life. When things contaminate the technology inside the vibrator, it can cause the vibrator to work harder in order to achieve the same results, using up more power and acting in a way that you would not expect it to. Therefore, make sure that you put it in a place that is protected and safe.

Do Not Clean Your Vibrator with The Following:

Alcohol, alkaline cleaners, petroleum, or acetone. These substances come with chemicals that are also detrimental to the motor inside of the vibrator. We also do not recommend using antibacterial soap or wipes. Antibacterial soap or wipes aren’t exactly bad for your vibrator, but they can certainly affect your vagina’s good bacteria levels and natural pH regulation. In other words, antibacterial wipes can actually leave your vagina prone to problems like bad odor and bacterial vaginosis.


It is important that you keep your vibrator clean for the next time you want to use it. Improper care of your vibrator can lead to not only a shorter lifespan of your product, but also health risks when you insert it in your body.