Incontinences Training Probe

Incontinence problems can greatly disrupt everyday routines, leading to feelings of embarrassment, unease, and inconvenience. Weak pelvic floor muscles are often the root cause of these problems, leading to involuntary urine leakage and other related issues. Incontinence training probes, like electrode probes, provide an effective way to fortify pelvic floor muscles and reduce incontinence symptoms.

By using an incontinence training probe and incorporating an electrode probe into your treatment plan, you can regain control and confidence in your daily activities. You can bid farewell to leaks and embrace a more relaxed, worry-free lifestyle.

Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Urinary incontinence. Retrieved from

What are Vaginal and Anal Probes?

Vaginal probes are made from body-safe materials to treat urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women. Meanwhile, anal probes are designed for both genders to address fecal incontinence and bowel-related issues.

They are medical devices both used for muscle stimulation and biofeedback therapy to treat incontinence and pelvic floor disorders. Inserted into the vagina or anus, these probes target pelvic floor muscles, thus, promoting strength and control.



Can you use Vaginal and anal probe for pelvic floor exercise?

Absolutely. Vaginal and anal probes can be employed for pelvic floor exercises. Incontinence training probes enable more targeted and efficient exercising of pelvic floor muscles, leading to improved outcomes. Keep in mind, however, that performing pelvic floor exercises with vaginal and anal probes should be done under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist or urogynecologist. These experts can provide guidance on correct usage and technique, track progress, and modify treatment plans as necessary to ensure optimal results and safety. (Berghmans, 2006)

Berghmans, B. (2006). The role of the pelvic physical therapist [El papel del fisioterapeuta pélvico]. Actas Urológicas Españolas, 30(4), 395-402.


How do Vaginal and Anal Probe work?

Vaginal electrical stimulation probes deliver mild electrical currents to the surrounding pelvic floor muscles. This stimulation causes the muscles to contract and relax, which helps strengthen them over time and improve muscle control. Similarly, anal electrical stimulation functions by delivering electrical currents to the pelvic floor muscles. Like vaginal probes, anal probes promote muscle contractions and relaxation, which ultimately leads to stronger and better-controlled pelvic floor muscles.


Incontinence Probe FAQ


Can anal probe help with faecal or bowel incontinence?

Yes, anal probes can help with fecal incontinence. Clinical evidence suggests that electrical stimulation with anal probes can improve bowel control and reduce incontinence episodes. This treatment is non-invasive. (Vonthein, 2013)

Anal electrical stimulation probes work by targeting the muscles and nerves responsible for bowel control, helping to strengthen and coordinate them. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with traditional pelvic floor exercises or have difficulty contracting their muscles voluntarily.

Vonthein, R., Heimerl, T., Schwandner, T. et al. Electrical stimulation and biofeedback for the treatment of fecal incontinence: a systematic review. Int J Colorectal Dis 28, 1567–1577 (2013).


How to use a vaginal probe for pelvic floor exercises?

To use it, insert the probe into the vagina, ensuring it is lubricated with a water-based lubricant. Connect the probe to the appropriate device, such as an electrical stimulator or biofeedback machine, and follow the device's instructions or your healthcare professional's guidance for exercising your pelvic floor muscles.


How to use vaginal and anal probes for incontinence training?

For incontinence training, insert the vaginal or anal probe and connect it to an electrical stimulator or biofeedback device. Follow the device's instructions and your healthcare professional's guidance to perform targeted pelvic floor exercises.


Can you overuse an electronic pelvic stimulator?

It's essential to balance stimulation with rest periods for recovery. Overuse can lead to diminishing returns, as muscles require time to recover and adapt to the training stimulus. Additionally, excessive stimulation may cause irritation or discomfort, potentially leading to adverse effects on pelvic floor function. By adhering to the prescribed guidelines, individuals can maximize the benefits of electronic pelvic stimulators and incontinence training probes while minimizing the risks associated with overuse. (Laycock, 2001)

Laycock, J., & Jerwood, D. (2001). Pelvic Floor Muscle Assessment: The PERFECT Scheme. Physiotherapy, 87(12), 631-642.


How often can you use the vaginal and anal probe?

Frequency depends on the treatment plan and individual needs. Generally, you can use the vaginal and anal probe several times per week as per your healthcare provider's guidance. Remember, consistency is crucial for achieving long-term improvements in muscle control and incontinence symptoms.


How long should you use the vaginal and anal probe?

The duration of each session with incontinence training probes like a vaginal or anal probe varies based on the treatment plan and individual needs of each person. Typically, sessions may last between 10-30 minutes. Consult your healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.


Is vaginal and anal probe safe to use?

Incontinence training probes are generally safe to use when following proper guidelines and under the supervision of a healthcare professional. However, individuals with specific medical conditions such as vaginal or rectal infection, hemorrhoids, newly operated prostate, recent childbirth, and women using IUD are not advised to use these devices and should consult with their healthcare provider first.

Additionally, proper hygiene practices are essential for ensuring safety. Cleaning and disinfecting the probes before and after each use is essential to minimize the risk of infection or irritation.


Will the vaginal and anal electrode probes cause discomfort?

Mild discomfort may occur initially. Use water-based lubricant and proper insertion techniques to minimize discomfort. Consult with your healthcare professional if discomfort continues. Over time, most individuals become more comfortable with probe usage.

It's important to be patient and gentle during the insertion process as this can help to reduce any potential discomfort or anxiety associated with the procedure.


What are the side effects of using a vaginal and anal probe?

Possible side effects include discomfort, irritation, or infection. Ensure proper hygiene, use water-based lubricant, and follow healthcare professional's guidance to minimize risks of using incontinence training probes. (Bø, et. al, 2001) If side effects persist or worsen, seek medical advice for further evaluation.

Bø, K., & Finckenhagen, H. B. (2001). Vaginal palpation of pelvic floor muscle strength: Inter-test reproducibility and comparison between palpation and vaginal squeeze pressure.Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 80(10), 883-887.