Relieve Stress and Anxiety with Aromatherapy


Relieve Stress and Anxiety with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been valued for ages as a practice that utilizes natural aromatic extracts for overall well-being. Its significant effects on emotional, mental, and physical health are unmatched. By inhaling or applying essential oils, aromatherapy stimulates the senses, impacting mood, alleviating stress, and potentially providing pain relief. This ancient practice harnesses the power of nature's essences to restore balance and vitality. 

With aromatherapy, you can elevate your daily routine with the invigorating scents and therapeutic benefits and unlock a world of tranquility and vitality. Discover the transformative potential of aromatherapy and embrace a path towards wellness today!

What is the ideal humidity level for indoor space?

The ideal indoor humidity level typically falls between 40 and 60%. This range is considered optimal for fostering good health, enhancing work productivity, and reducing the risk of infections. Maintaining relative humidity within this bracket creates a comfortable environment that supports overall well-being (Wolkoff et al., 2021).

Wolkoff, P., Azuma, K., & Carrer, P. (2021). Health, work performance, and risk of infection in office-like environments: The role of indoor temperature, air humidity, and ventilation. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 233, 113709.



What does a dehumidifier do?

Dehumidifiers regulate indoor moisture by drawing in humid air, cooling it to condense the moisture, then collecting the water. These devices effectively reduce excessive humidity levels, curbing mold, mildew, and musty odors. They work by condensation or absorption methods, removing excess moisture from the air to maintain a balanced humidity level. By creating a drier atmosphere, dehumidifiers improve indoor air quality, prevent structural damage caused by dampness, and foster a more comfortable living environment conducive to better health.


What is a humidifier good for?

Humidifiers alleviate dryness in the skin, nasal passages, throat, and lips by adding moisture to the air. They're particularly helpful in combating discomfort from low humidity in heated or air-conditioned spaces. By increasing moisture levels, humidifiers relieve dry skin, soothe irritated nasal passages, ease throat dryness, and prevent chapped lips. These devices significantly improve overall comfort, especially during dry seasons or in arid climates, creating a more pleasant and healthier indoor environment.


What are the benefits of using essential oil in the diffusers?

Using essential oils in diffusers offers a multitude of benefits. These oils and their components demonstrate antimicrobial, antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. They also purportedly have psychogenic effects, relieving stress, treating depression, and aiding with insomnia. Diffusing essential oils disperses their therapeutic elements into the air, allowing inhalation and absorption, leading to potential physical and mental well-being. This aromatic therapy promotes relaxation, stress relief, and overall mood enhancement, fostering a healthier and more serene environment.


Do air purifiers really work?

Air purifiers can be effective in slightly improving indoor air quality by reducing particulate matter like PM2.5 in ordinary homes (Yoda et al., 2020).However, their impact on improving health outcomes might not always be clearly demonstrable. While they can mitigate airborne particles, their influence on health varies based on individual factors, existing air quality, and specific health concerns. Air purifiers contribute to cleaner air but might not consistently correlate with immediate or direct health improvements in all cases. Their efficacy depends on various factors, including the type of purifier, room size, and ongoing air quality maintenance.

Yoda, Y., Tamura, K., Adachi, S., Otani, N., Nakayama, S. F., & Shima, M. (2020). Effects of the Use of Air Purifier on Indoor Environment and Respiratory System among Healthy Adults. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(10), 3687.


Air Dehumidifier & Humidifier Products FAQ


What are different types of dehumidifiers?

There are three main types of dehumidifiers: Refrigerant, Desiccant, and Whole House Ventilation.

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers: These operate similarly to home refrigerators, cooling metal plates to condense moisture from the air. They're effective at room temperatures but less so in cooler conditions due to potential ice formation on the coils.

Desiccant Dehumidifiers: These use a desiccant material to absorb moisture from the air, ideal for lower temperatures. 

Whole House Ventilation Dehumidifiers: Systems like "The Lofty" provide comprehensive home ventilation by pushing air from the loft into the home, expelling stale, damp air. They're cost-effective, quiet, and contribute to a fresher, drier environment, effectively tackling dampness and condensation.


What size of dehumidifier do I need for my space?

Choosing the appropriate dehumidifier size depends on the square footage and humidity level of your space. For an area up to 500 square feet, a small dehumidifier with a 12-pint capacity works well. A medium-sized space, around 2000 square feet, benefits from a dehumidifier with a higher pint capacity, especially if it's excessively damp. Adjust the pint capacity based on the humidity level and size of the area to ensure effective moisture removal.


What features should I look for when buying a dehumidifier?

Capacity: Match the unit's capacity (usually measured in pints/day) to the size and humidity level of your space.

Humidistat: Allows you to set and maintain your desired humidity level, shutting off the unit when reached.

Drainage Options: Look for a dehumidifier with various drainage options, like a removable tank or continuous drainage, for convenience.

Portability: Consider handles, wheels, or a manageable weight if you plan to move the unit around.

Energy Efficiency: Check for Energy Star-rated models to ensure cost-effective operation.

Noise Level: Look for quieter models if noise is a concern, especially for bedrooms or quiet spaces.


How does dehumidifier work?

Dehumidifiers operate by drawing in air from the environment through a fan. This air is then directed over cooled coils within the dehumidifier. As the warm air contacts the cold coils, the temperature difference causes condensation, extracting moisture from the air. The condensed moisture collects on the coils and eventually drips into the dehumidifier's reservoir or is directed out through a drainage system.


How long does it take for a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from a room?

The duration for a dehumidifier to efficiently decrease extra moisture in a room varies based on factors like its capacity, the room size, and initial humidity levels. Typically, using a suitably sized dehumidifier without major moisture concerns, it might take several days to a week to achieve and sustain the preferred humidity level.


How often should I run the dehumidifier?

The frequency of running a dehumidifier depends on the humidity levels in your space. To maintain indoor relative humidity within the ideal range of 35 to 50 percent, running the dehumidifier for around 12 hours a day is often recommended. Adjust the running time based on the initial humidity levels and how quickly moisture builds up in your environment.


When should you not use a dehumidifier?

Dehumidifiers are not typically recommended for use in temperatures below 10°C due to the risk of condensation freezing on the coils (When Is Dehumidifier Season?, n.d.). This can potentially damage the unit. Operating a dehumidifier in colder environments might hinder its efficiency and could lead to operational issues.


What are the different types of humidifiers?

Cool Mist Humidifiers:

  • Adds moisture without raising temperature
  • Suited for warmer climates
  • Emits cool vapor mist, filters impurities
  • Ideal for children, allergies, and asthma

Warm Mist Humidifiers:

  • Effective for cold and flu symptoms
  • Best for colder climates
  • Heats water, reduces bacterial risk
  • Achieves high moisture, less germ build-up

Vaporizer Humidifiers:

  • Offers cool or warm mist options
  • Affordably priced, suitable for cold and flu relief
  • Emits visible steam or mist 
  • Can be energy-intensive
  • Harder to clean, heating elements may pose risks

Evaporative Humidifiers:

  • No water heating; evaporates water through a wick filter
  • Safe for children and pets, low maintenance
  • Adjusts humidity levels automatically
  • Delivers clean, invisible moisture, minimal noise

Ultrasonic Humidifiers:

  • Uses vibrating diaphragm for moisture release
  • Provides options for warm or cool mist
  • Energy-efficient, extremely quiet operation
  • Ideal for bedrooms, minimal noise disturbance

How does a humidifier work?

Humidifiers increase indoor moisture levels, offering comfort by adding water to the air. They function through evaporative wicking, steam vaporization, or ultrasonic technology. These devices regulate humidity, adjusting moisture output as needed. 

Despite varying types, they aim to enhance indoor comfort, prevent dryness, and maintain optimal humidity levels, either as standalone units or integrated systems. Regular maintenance and monitoring ensure effective operation, making them essential for improving air quality and comfort in indoor environments.


What are the benefits of using a humidifier in the home?

Preventing Influenza: Higher humidity levels above 40% deactivate flu virus particles, reducing infection risk.

Productive Cough: Moisture added to dry airways makes coughs more productive, aiding in releasing trapped phlegm.

Reduce Allergies: The added moisture in the air can help relieve symptoms of allergies, sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis

Reduce Snoring: Increased air moisture can alleviate snoring by lubricating airways.

Skin and Hair Health: Combat dry, fragile skin and hair caused by dry indoor air in winter.

Home Maintenance: Moisture benefits houseplants, prevents wood damage, maintains wallpaper, and reduces static. Additionally, humid air can feel warmer, potentially lowering heating costs in winter.


Can a humidifier help with dry skin?

Humidifiers are effective in combating dry skin and eyes caused by low humidity levels (The Benefits of a Humidifier While Sleeping, 2023). They add moisture to the air, which helps alleviate dryness, itchiness, and cracking of the skin. Additionally, humidified air can relieve dryness in the eyes, providing comfort and preventing irritation caused by excessively dry indoor air.

Sunwoo, Y., Chou, C., Takeshita, J., Murakami, M., & Tochihara, Y. (2006). Physiological and subjective responses to low relative humidity. Journal of physiological anthropology, 25(1), 7–14.


Can a humidifier help with allergies and respiratory issues?

Cool-mist humidifiers can help ease congestion during a cold while heated humidified air might not offer the same relief. However, using a dirty humidifier or allowing allergens to develop due to high humidity can trigger or exacerbate asthma and allergy symptoms. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the humidifier are also essential to prevent allergen buildup.


How to choose the right size humidifier for my room?

To select the right humidifier size, aim for one that can provide 1-2 gallons (or about 3.8-7.6 liters) of moisture per day per 1,000 square feet of your room or home (Bennett, n.d.). This guideline ensures the humidifier matches your space, maintaining the desired humidity level without excess or inadequate moisture.

Bennett, N. (n.d.). What Size Humidifier Do I Need | Storables. Retrieved December 15, 2023


What features should I look for when buying a humidifier?

  • Moisture Output: Find the rate at which the humidifier adds moisture, usually measured in gallons per hour or day. The usual output range is between 2 to 4 gallons per day–recommended for humidifying a single room.
  • Invisible Mist: Most humidifiers has noticeable mist as a fine spray or cloud, while some ultrasonic humidifiers can release a fine mist of water droplets that is invisible to the naked eye, which doesn’t create dampness in the room and leaves the surfaces feeling wet. 
  • Tank Capacity: Consider the maximum volume of water the humidifier can hold, usually measured in gallons or liters.
  • Runtime: Check the maximum operating hours the humidifier can run continuously after each refill.
  • Coverage Area: Consider the area size the humidifier can effectively humidify as specified by the manufacturer.
  • Portability: Look for lightweight models or ones with casters for easy movement.
  • Refilling: Consider units with larger top openings for easy refilling.
  • Cleaning: Removable tanks and quality filters ease cleaning tasks.
  • Noise and Energy Consumption: Opt for models with low noise levels (around 30 decibels) for quiet operation, especially during sleep. Choose energy-efficient units to reduce operational costs.
  • Smart Features: Smart humidifiers with remote control, mobile app support, timer, memory functions, night mode, auto-shutoff, hygrometer, and child-lock offer added convenience and ease of use. These features can simplify your humidifier use and control.

How long does it take for a humidifier to add moisture?

A humidifier starts adding moisture to the air as soon as it's turned on. However, the time needed to see a substantial rise in humidity varies based on room size, initial humidity levels, and the humidifier's capacity. In smaller spaces, you might notice changes within a few hours, but reaching the desired humidity level, especially in larger areas, might take longer.


When should you not use a humidifier?

For individuals with allergies to dust mites or mold, using a humidifier might not be advisable. The increased moisture from the humidifier can potentially promote the growth of these allergens, exacerbating allergy symptoms for those sensitive to them.


Air Diffuser & Purifier FAQ


Does an air purifier eliminate odors effectively?

The effectiveness of air purifiers in eliminating odors varies based on their filter types. HEPA purifiers excel in removing airborne particles but might not effectively tackle odors. Activated carbon filters are highly efficient at neutralizing odors by adsorbing gases, chemicals, and smells.


How do I know if I need an air purifier in my home?

If you notice excessive dust accumulation, persistent odors, unexplained sneezing, or ongoing snoring issues among family members, these can signal poor indoor air quality. Considering an air purifier might help reduce dust particles, eliminate odors, filter allergens, and potentially improve the air you breathe at home.


Can an air purifier help with allergies, like hay fever?

A study found that when people with allergies caused by house dust mites used air purifiers with HEPA filters, they needed less medication. These filters also reduced tiny air particles, called PM2.5, inside the house, no matter where the purifier was placed. Additionally, pet hair and dander can also be filtered out with a purifier, providing relief to those with pet allergies. Taking action to reduce these air pollutants at home could make breathing easier for people with hay fever or other allergies.

Park, H. H., Huh, D., & Park, J. W. (2020). Effects of Air Purifiers on Patients with Allergic Rhinitis: a Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, and Placebo-Controlled Study. Yonsei medical journal,


What type of air purifier is best for allergies?

A study highlighted the efficacy of HEPA air purifiers in decreasing indoor particulate matter and house dust mite allergens. This reduction led to improved conditions for individuals with allergic rhinitis, indicating that HEPA purifiers are particularly effective in alleviating allergy symptoms and enhancing overall health in such cases.

Jia-Ying, L., Zhao, C., Jia-Jun, G., Zi-Jun, G., Xiao, L., & Bao-Qing, S. (2018). Efficacy of air purifier therapy in allergic rhiniti. Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology, 36(4), 217–221.


How to choose the right size air purifier for my room?

When selecting an air purifier, the size of the room matters to ensure optimal performance. 

For smaller spaces or personal use, opt for a small air purifier, which suits areas up to 200 square feet. Medium-sized purifiers are effective in rooms spanning 200 to 400 square feet, while larger units are best for spaces between 400 and 1,500 square feet.


What features should I look for when choosing an air purifier?

  • Filtration Technology: Look for HEPA filters or activated carbon filters, effective against allergens and odors.
  • Design & Usability: Consider portability, placement, and ease of maintenance with filter replacement.
  • Noise Level: Check for decibel levels to ensure it's comfortable for your space, especially for bedrooms or quiet areas.
  • Energy Efficiency: Opt for purifiers with energy-efficient ratings to keep long-term operational costs in check.
  • Air Changes Per Hour: Check how many times the air within a room is completely replaced by fresh, filtered air within one hour. Most home air purifiers can clean air 2-6 times per hour.
  • Air Quality Sensor: Some models have sensors that automatically adjust the settings based on air quality levels.
  • Timer: A timer feature that allows you to set when the purifier turns on or off, saving energy and prolonging filter life.
  • Filter Change Indicator: Some purifiers have a built-in indicator that alerts you when it's time to replace the filter.

What is the best place to put an air purifier?

Placing an air purifier in a well-ventilated area, at least 6 inches away from walls or furniture, allows it to effectively circulate air. Tight spaces or obstructions can limit airflow and efficiency.


How long does it take for an air purifier to clean a room?

The duration it takes for an air purifier to cleanse a room usually falls between 30 minutes to two hours. However, this can differ depending on elements such as room dimensions, the type of purifier, filtration speed, and various other factors.


How often should I change the filter in the air purifier?

Typically, filters should be changed every 12 months. However, increased usage or high indoor pollution levels might necessitate more frequent changes. Specific guidelines vary by manufacturer, so it's essential to consult their recommendations for optimal filter replacement intervals.


What are different types of filters used in air purifiers?

The most common types of filters used in air purifiers are mechanical, activated carbon, and HEPA filters.

Mechanical filters: Uses a fine mesh to physically trap particles as they pass through the filter.

Activated carbon filters: Absorbs gases, odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.

HEPA filters: Utilizes a fine mesh to trap particles as small as 0.3 microns, including allergens and dust. It turns out to be the most effective filter to capture airborne particles.


How effective are purifiers in removing airborne pollutants?

Air purifiers can be highly effective in removing airborne pollutants. Depending on the type of filter, air purifiers can remove up to 99% of particles from the air. HEPA filters, for instance, are able to remove 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns (Air Purifiers Fact Sheet | Environmental Health & Safety | UMass Amherst, n.d.). This includes common allergens such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores.


What is a diffuser good for?

Diffusers, coupled with essential oils, enhance well-being by dispersing aromatic scents into the air. Through aromatherapy, they promote relaxation, stress reduction, and mood improvement. Some oils possess antimicrobial properties, aiding in air purification. Certain scents uplift mood and aid concentration.


What features should I look for when buying a diffuser?

  • Timer: Choose a diffuser with adjustable run times for controlling oil intensity.
  • Lighting: Look for built-in lighting for use as a night light during evening diffusing.
  • Auto Shut-off: Ensure the diffuser automatically turns off when water runs out.
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Opt for low-maintenance units that require minimal cleaning.
  • Size: Decide between portable, smaller units for desks or sturdy, larger ones for kitchen use.
  • Bluetooth and Music: Some double as Bluetooth speakers, providing added value.
  • Appearance: Select a design (like bamboo, glass, or ceramic) that complements your home decor.

Is a diffuser the same as a humidifier?

A humidifier primarily increases moisture levels in the air to combat dryness, while a diffuser disperses fragrance from essential oils without necessarily adding moisture. Humidifiers are beneficial for improving humidity levels, especially in dry environments, while diffusers focus on aromatherapy and scent diffusion.

Some humidifiers feature a built-in diffuser, allowing for both benefits in one device. 


How to use a diffuser correctly?

  • Fill with water to the indicated level.
  • Add a few drops of essential oils.
  • Securely close and turn on.
  • Adjust settings for intensity and duration.
  • Enjoy the scented mist.
  • Clean regularly following the manual.

Can I use just essential oils in a diffuser?

Essential oils alone can be used in some diffusers, especially those designed for oil diffusion without water. However, most diffusers require a mixture of water and essential oils for optimal functionality and to disperse the fragrance effectively.


Can I use water instead of oil in a diffuser?

In most cases, a diffuser is designed to use water along with essential oils for fragrance dispersion. Using just water without any essential oils might not provide any noticeable scent. While using water on diffusers can increase the humidity a little, it is not as effective as a proper humidifier.

Some diffusers might recommend the use of distilled or filtered water to reduce mineral buildup, but it is not required. It is always best to follow the manufacturer's instructions for optimal usage and maintenance of a diffuser.


What are the negative effects of essential oils?

Poisoning Risk: Ingesting even small amounts can cause poisoning, especially in children. Store oils safely, away from kids.

Skin Irritation: Applying undiluted oils to skin or nostrils can cause burns or irritation. Some people may experience allergic reactions or rashes.

Unsafe Practices: Misuse, like ingestion or direct application without dilution, can lead to adverse effects. Always use essential oils cautiously and follow guidelines to avoid harm.