

Sciatic pain is an extremely frequent problem that people face as they live their daily lives. This type of pain and discomfort comes from the sciatic nerve in your lower back, which also run along your hips, buttocks, thighs, and along your legs.

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. What are its purposes? It is meant to connect your legs to your spinal column. It also connects your legs and feet through your muscles. When you experience sciatic pain, it is due to any disruption on or around this nerve.

What Causes Sciatic Pain?

There are several causes for pain that you may experience in your sciatic nerve. They are as follows:

Cervical Spinal Stenosis

The spinal cord consists of a number of bones that support the human body that travels through the vertebrae. As a person ages these vertebrae shrink, leaving insufficient space for the spinal cord.

Lumbar Herniated Disc

The disc that are in your spinal cord have a fibery outer layer and a soft inner layer. When a disc is herniated, the inner layer leaks because of some type of rupture. This also leads to a feeling of itchiness and discomfort.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degeneration is common in old age. In many instances, degeneration will address the proteins that leave the interior of the vertebrae, and change the nerve roots. But when the discs degenerate, this also is a cause of sciatic pain.

Isthmic Spondylolisthesis

Also known as the “slip disc”, this happens when a fracture in one disc leads to it slipping and falling into another. When this happens, it will always lead to a pinched sciatic nerve, causing pain.

Muscle Strain

While not as serious as other conditions, muscle strain can also contribute to pain in the sciatic nerve. If you have worked your lower back too hard throughout the day, you are sure to feel this pain that is irritating like any other type of sciatic nerve pain.


When women become pregnant, they gain weight and experience hormonal changes. When their bodies change, stress is brought on their lower back, leading to sciatic nerve pain.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

The tip of the spine is known as the sacroiliac joint. When there is stress brought on this joint, it can put pressure on the L5 nerve. This feels similar to sciatic nerve pain. In sparse cases, a tumor can also appear on the sciatic nerve.

Why Buy A TENS Machine for Sciatic Pain?

A wireless tens machine is what you can purchase to relieve sciatic nerve pain. The electronic pulses allow the blood vessels in your lower back to expand. When this happens, more blood is allowed to travel through the bloodstream, which will also allow the body to create endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers, which will allow you to feel instant relief.

When this happens, the source of the pain has a faster likelihood of curing. The pulse from your TENS machine will also block pain signals from nerves that are sent to the spinal cord of the brain. Thus, you are not expected to feel any pain when using your TENS machine for sciatic nerve damage.